Option Explicit Private WithEvents myCmdBtn As MSForms.CommandButton Public myDate As Date Public myIndex As Long Private WithEvents myLabel As MSForms.Label Public myDirection As String
Private Sub myCmdBtn_Click() MsgBox myDate End Sub
Sub setBtn(Cmdbtn As MSForms.CommandButton, Date_ As Date, Index_ As Long) Set myCmdBtn = Cmdbtn myDate = Date_ myIndex = Index_ End Sub
Private Sub myLabel_Click() Select Case myDirection Case "▲" UserForm1.Controls("Label8").Caption = StrConv(Format(LastMonth, "YYYY年MM月"), vbWide) LastMonth = WorksheetFunction.EDate(LastMonth, -1) NextMonth = WorksheetFunction.EDate(NextMonth, -1) Case "▼" UserForm1.Controls("Label8").Caption = StrConv(Format(NextMonth, "YYYY年MM月"), vbWide) LastMonth = WorksheetFunction.EDate(LastMonth, 1) NextMonth = WorksheetFunction.EDate(NextMonth, 1) End Select my1stDay = DateSerial(Year(LastMonth), Month(LastMonth) + 1, 1) Call UserForm1.SetDate End Sub
Sub SetLabel(Label_ As MSForms.Label, Direction_ As String) Set myLabel = Label_ myDirection = Direction_ End Sub
Option Explicit Public LastMonth As Date Public NextMonth As Date Public my1stDay As Date
Option Explicit Const ButtonSize As Double = 20 Const Left_Start As Double = 10 Const Top_Start As Double = 35 Dim myButtonCol As Collection Dim myLabelCol As Collection Dim myCls As Class1 Dim myFlag As Boolean
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Long Dim myCmdBtn As MSForms.CommandButton Set myButtonCol = New Collection Set myLabelCol = New Collection For i = 1 To 42 Set myCmdBtn = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", _ "CommandButton" & i, True) With myCmdBtn .Left = Me.Width * Rnd * 0.9 .Top = Me.Height * Rnd * 0.9 .Width = ButtonSize .Height = ButtonSize End With Next my1stDay = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), 1) Call SetDate LastMonth = WorksheetFunction.EDate(Date, -1) NextMonth = WorksheetFunction.EDate(Date, 1) myFlag = False End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click() If myFlag = True Then Exit Sub Dim i As Long Dim myControl As Control Dim j As Long Dim jMax As Long jMax = 100 Dim dx(1 To 42) As Double Dim dy(1 To 42) As Double i = 1 For Each myControl In Me.Controls With myControl dx(i) = (.Left - Locate(i)(0)) / jMax dy(i) = (.Top - Locate(i)(1)) / jMax i = i + 1 End With Next For j = 1 To jMax - 1 i = 1 For Each myControl In Me.Controls With myControl .Left = .Left - dx(i) .Top = .Top - dy(i) i = i + 1 End With Next Application.Wait [now()+"0:00:00.001"] Next i = 1 For Each myControl In Me.Controls myControl.Left = Locate(i)(0) myControl.Top = Locate(i)(1) i = i + 1 Next jMax = jMax - 1 myFlag = True Call SetLabel End Sub
Public Sub SetDate() Dim myControl As Control Dim myDate As Date myDate = my1stDay - WorksheetFunction.Weekday(my1stDay, vbMonday) Dim i As Long i = 1 Set myButtonCol = New Collection For Each myControl In Me.Controls If TypeName(myControl) = "CommandButton" Then With myControl .Caption = Day(myDate) .BackColor = myBackColor(myDate) .ForeColor = myFontColor(myDate) End With Set myCls = New Class1 myCls.setBtn myControl, myDate, i myButtonCol.Add myCls myDate = myDate + 1 i = i + 1 End If Next End Sub
Private Property Get HolidayDict() As Dictionary Dim HolidayTable As ListObject Set HolidayTable = Sheets("勤休シート").ListObjects(1) 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime 参照設定済み Dim TempDict As Dictionary Set TempDict = New Dictionary Dim r As Range For Each r In HolidayTable.DataBodyRange.Columns(1).Cells TempDict(r.Value) = r.Offset(, 1).Value Next Set HolidayDict = TempDict End Property
Private Property Get Locate() As Variant Dim Seq(1 To 42) As Variant Dim i As Long For i = 1 To UBound(Seq) Seq(i) = Array(Left_Start + ButtonSize * ((i - 1) Mod 7), _ Top_Start + ButtonSize * WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(i / 7, 0)) Next Locate = Seq End Property
Private Function myBackColor(myDate As Date) As Double Dim TargetMonth As Long TargetMonth = Month(myDate) Dim ThisMonth As Long ThisMonth = Month(my1stDay + 7) If TargetMonth = ThisMonth Then myBackColor = &HFFFFFF Else myBackColor = &HC0C0C0 End If If myDate = Date Then myBackColor = &HC0& End If End Function
Private Function myFontColor(myDate As Date) As Double Select Case WorksheetFunction.Weekday(myDate) Case vbSunday: myFontColor = &HC0 Case vbSaturday: myFontColor = &HFF0000 Case Else: myFontColor = &H80000012 End Select If HolidayDict.Exists(myDate) Then Select Case HolidayDict(myDate) Case "休日": myFontColor = &HC0 Case "出勤": myFontColor = &H80000012 End Select End If If myDate = Date Then myFontColor = &HFFFF& End If End Function
Private Sub SetLabel() Dim i As Long Dim myLabel As MSForms.Label ' 今回の修正箇所。 ' 日曜日~土曜日。 Dim Seq As Variant Seq = Array("日", "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土", "", "▲", "▼") For i = 1 To 7 Set myLabel = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", _ "Label" & i, _ True) With myLabel .Left = Left_Start + ButtonSize / 4 + (i - 1) * ButtonSize .Top = Top_Start .Width = ButtonSize .Height = ButtonSize .Caption = Seq(i - 1) Select Case i Case 1: .ForeColor = &HC0 Case 7: .ForeColor = &HFF0000 End Select End With Next ' YYYY年MM月 Set myLabel = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", _ "Label8", _ True) With myLabel .Left = Left_Start + ButtonSize / 4 .Top = Top_Start - ButtonSize .Height = ButtonSize .Caption = StrConv(Format(Date, "YYYY年MM月"), vbWide) End With ' 今回の追加個所。 ' ▼▲ボタン代わり。 For i = 9 To 10 Set myLabel = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", _ "Label" & i, _ True) With myLabel .Left = Left_Start + ButtonSize / 4 + (i - 5) * ButtonSize .Top = Top_Start - ButtonSize .Height = ButtonSize .Caption = Seq(i - 1) End With Set myCls = New Class1 myCls.SetLabel myLabel, myLabel.Caption myLabelCol.Add myCls Next End Sub